Jax keeps his eye on the feather teaser.
After hanging out on the little cat tree, Tig heads for the ground. Do you love his little nub of a tail, or what? Isn’t that awesome?
“Is it SAFE, or is she still vacuuming?”
The vacuum’s put away, so it’s safe.
Clay, hanging out in the box we commonly refer to as the “Corbie box”, because – try to follow, here – Corbie likes to hang out in it.
Jake, making sure there’s no food in that box.
They love climbing this scratching post like nothing else.
Alice Mo (current nickname: MoMo), taking a bath in the morning sun.
2011: “There appears to be a Cindy FAR too close to me!”
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Even though I never did look ratty, and I hate her.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.