Charlie and Patty Peppers are doing better and better every day. Charlie will meow at me when I go into the room, and if I sit on the floor, he comes right over to be petted, will sit in my lap, and purrs constantly. Patty’s still a little shy. She’ll eventually come over to be petted, but if I make any sudden movements, she scurries away to hide. They’re both playing a lot, and Saturday night Patty knocked Charlie over onto the floor on his back, pinned him down, and bit his neck. She’s no shy, retiring violet when it comes to kicking her brother’s butt!
In the two weeks we’ve had them, Charlie’s gained about eight ounces, and Patty has exactly doubled her body weight. She’s only four ounces smaller than Charlie now. They still get a bit of canned food in the morning and again in the evening, and they finish every last bite.
“Why you not pettin’ me, lady?”
Shower Inspector inspects again. He’s very thorough!
Loony Jake in the sun, looking not so loony.
2010: No entry.
2009: Beulah update!
2008: No entry.
2007: The best picture ever taken on the face of this planet.
2006: Maddy Milk face.
2005: I have a feeling that bleach is going to be my best friend for the foreseeable future.