Didn’t I tell you that everyone loves that Super! Awesome! shoe box?
Cilantro and Cori, in and on the box.
Alice patiently waits her turn (which is very much NOT like Alice).
Cori and Cila do their daily inspection of the box (safety first!) (Note Alice’s paw in the lower right corner of the picture.)
Are the peek holes clear? Apparently so!
Alice has just about lost her patience – not that she had a firm grasp on it to begin with, you understand. But she IS working on her anger management…
So she takes her annoyance out on a toy mouse instead. Good anger management, Alice! (Poor toy mousie.)
::thlurrrrrp:: Admit it – that little spotted belly is about the cutest thing you’ve seen today, isn’t it?
All the Spice Girls (and Ciara, for that matter) are snuggly little snugglers.
Ciara’s making a mental note to add Cila to the Cut List.
Oh, Ciara. SO annoyed by EVERYTHING.
On Sunday, I went out and cut a bunch of fresh catnip, which I tied together and hung in the closet to dry. Without realizing it, I dropped several pieces on the floor. All the ‘nipheads in the house knew about it pretty much instantly, and before I knew it, they were gathered in the kitchen to get hiiiiiiiiiigh.
Newt’s like “I don’t know what they’re doing, but I disapprove.”
Spanky just eats the catnip. The rest of them roll around on it and sniff it, then roll around some more. Miz Poo is a mean drunk, and smacks at anyone who gets too close to her when she’s hiiiiiigh. (Okay, truthfully she does that whether she’s high or not.)
2010: Poor long-suffering Moxie.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.