I cleared off my FlipCam disc over the weekend, so I’ll be sharing a couple of videos a day ’til they’ve all been shared. First, one from back in November, when Buster and Starsky were still here.
And the second is a very short one, up close and personal with Bobby Brady:
Jake loves to hang out with the babies.
Last night I could hear the sound of kittens running back and forth and back and forth upstairs. I went upstairs and went into the kitten room, and didn’t see a single one. I picked up a jingly toy and shook it back and forth, and the sound of galloping kittens came closer, until Jake ran into the room, all six Bradys surrounding him. It was seriously cute.
2010: The Cookies, then and now.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: “Valjean! At last, we see each other plain. M’sieur LeMeow, you’ll wear a doggie chaaaaaaaaaaaain!”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.