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I got a few more holiday cards earlier this week! See them (and all the others I received this year) over at Flickr, or scroll through them below.
I’m so glad these guys are enjoying that wall! (I still want to put a bed or cube above this shelf.)
“Tryin’ to snooze here, lady,” says Spiral.
I don’t know why, but every time I see a cat (in this case Posty) with their leg bent like this, it makes me think of the old Mr. Microphone commercial, specifically the “Hey good-lookin’, we’ll be back to pick ya up later!” part.
Helix looks like he’s about to start something with Andi, and Andi looks like she’s ready to finish it.
Andi in the sun. She is SUCH a pretty girl.
Fanta makes an excellent pillow.
Fanta (up by her front leg) and Poppi (you can see her purple ear sticking out, by the pink heart in front of Sodapop’s leg) really blend in.
The little family is doing great. The kittens are nursing well and gaining weight, and Sodapop loves to have her head and ears scratched while the kittens are nursing. I still have not seen her out of the crate, aside from the time she came out to grab Sundrop from me when I was weighing kittens (I always feel so guilty when mamas come over to take kittens away from me. But they’ve gotta be weighed!) She does come out in the middle of the night and prowls the room. Yesterday afternoon I could see on the camera that she was on the cat tree in the window watching birds. So hopefully as she gets more comfortable with us, she’ll come out when we’re actually in there. It’s still early days, after all.
Rocco, making himself comfy on the front porch.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
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Meet the new fosters: mama Sodapop (2 years old) and her 4 kittens: calico Moxie, white girl kitten (probably will turn out to be a flame or cream point) Poppi, white boy kitten (ditto) Fanta, and orange and white boy kitten Sundrop!
Good morning! Did you know that Andi is available for adoption? True story! If you need a super sweet girl with a tiny baby meow, who loves to play, lets you know when she needs to be petted, and apparently has an immune system made of iron (she has shared a room with a bunch of sick kittens for over 2 weeks and has had nary a sniffle), this is your girl. She has only the tiniest nub of a tail (she was born that way), super soft and silky fur, and gorgeous green eyes. Email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at INFO (at) FFHSV.ORG to inquire. (We are located in the Huntsville, Alabama area; out of area adoptions are allowed, but adopters must come here to complete the adoption.) She gets along great with other cats and would probably be fine with nice dogs as well.
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There’s just something about that yellow spring – they WILL play with springs of other colors if they HAVE to, but when it comes down to it, that yellow spring has their hearts.
Sodapop and her daughters – Poppi (left) and Moxie (right).
Covered in kittens. Helix at the top of the photo, Stapler next to him, Paper Clip trying to start something with Spiral (who’s pretending she’s not there), and Posty looking for a space to make her own.
The boys – orange and white Sundrop (and those pink toes!) and white (possible future flame/cream point) Fanta.
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The milk bar is very active this evening. It’s the happening place to be!
2024: Sunday night at bed time, Crumpet was all “Kittens? Never heard of ’em.”
2023: Okay, BUCKLE UP, y’all – I have a LOT of information to share today, and I’m just going to throw it all at you.
2022: No entry.
2021: No entry.
2020: She’s the BOSS.
2019: Come on, how CUTE are these two?
2018: “Halloooooo, laydeez.”
2017: I’m starting to think we should have named Dewey Kravitz.
2016: No entry.
2015: The boys are still not sure about this whole open-door thing.
2014: Dennis is heading toward that bed with PURPOSE.
2013: Lilybet, to no one’s surprise, has not had those babies. (HA)
2012: Good with the babies, was our Maggie.
2011: No entry.
2010: They did not care for Jake and Elwood, is what I’m saying.
2009: I’ll just tell them we’re going for a FUN RIDE and there’ll be toys and nice people to pet them! Think they’ll fall for that?
2008: And after he gives me the Love Eyes, he rolls around and flirts with me ’til I rub his belly.
2007: “Hey. Does this taste funny to you?”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
That picture of Posty at the bottom makes me want to just come get her right now! So so sweet.
She is SO sweet!
Every time I browse the blog or the FB page I have a different favorite from each group, they are all so darn cute!
I keep wondering if the people who had taken in Sodapop will adopt her when she is ready, they must have liked her as they were keeping her until the kittens came and they didn’t feel able to deal with kittens.
No, I don’t think so – they have several cats already (all of whom had been dumped nearby) and I believe were trying to find a home for her.
OK, I thought cats were essentially color blind so why the focus on the YELLOW spring??? Two of my four cats are fans of the springs, but prefer the blue (1st) and pink (2nd). They hate the yellow ones and only run after those if I shame them into it.
Basepaws says that cats can see color and might be drawn to colors like yellow and orange because they resemble their natural prey. I think it all depends on the cat!
Hi! Where did u get that ball that Spiral is in?
Thank u
It came in the quarterly Pusheen Cat Kit box.
Oh wow, the “SO many feet in the air!” picture — SO sweet!