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It’s a Dewey pie! (My favorite!)
The kittens are free-roaming in the upstairs! It took Dewey literally less than 10 minutes to locate and claim my bed as his own.
It’s been, I think, 4 days since I let them out into the upstairs, and they are enjoying it quite a bit. (They go back into the foster room at bed time, which they don’t mind at all.) They’re already pretty interested in what’s on the other side of the door at the top of the stairs, so I’m going to give it another day or two and then let them start exploring the rest of the house.
Ciabatta’s got his eyes on me.
The boys are checking out that corner of the crate (Pumpernickel, left, and Ciabatta) and the girls are lined up at the milk bar (from left: Crouton, Babka & Pita)
Babka takes a look out the front of the crate, and Crumpet waits for me to pet her.
Pumpernickel gives me the serious face.
Newt enjoys himself some sunshine.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Louie enjoys a little sunshine.
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First mama Crumpet leaves the crate, which hurts Pita’s feelings (or at least woke her up and she didn’t know what was going on.) Then mama goes into the crate and Pita bellies up to the milk bar. Lastly, the little slackers roll around and yawn and just generally look ADORABLE.
The milk bar looks very serious today.
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The Ducklings, playing. There are a few good jumps in there!
Lately the Crumbs are spending a lot of time rolling around on their backs, kicking their little feet in the air, and it is FAR too cute.
Good night innernets. (Huey & Dewey)
Oops. It looks like I interrupted a meeting of the Pie Committee*, and they are NOT pleased! (Left to right: Louie, Dewey & Huey)
*My FAVORITE committee!
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The Crumbs kittens, toddling around the crate. They’re finding their voices, and they have a lot to say!
Crumpet checks to be sure Pita cleaned her paw properly (she did!)
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Huey and Louie are playing a game commonly known as “Lick, lick, BITE. Lick… lick…BI-no, wait, lick.” (It always ends with a lot of biting, though.)
Louie always looks so inquisitive – like, “What we gonna do now, lady?”
“Good morning, innernets! I see you!” (Dewey)
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Dispatch from the red crate: February 25th. The kittens will be 3 weeks old tomorrow (!) and are so so close to leaving the crate. I don’t know what Crumpet will do when that happens, but I suspect she’ll blame ME.
Pumpernickel’s all “Maaaa! That lady is back and she’s LOOKING at me again!”
YouTube link
Huey and Louie have a tussle while Dewey keeps an eye on them in the mirror and then carefully walks by without looking in their direction. He prefers not to get involved, thank you.
It’s hard to keep an entire basket of toys for yourself when your brother just walks right up and steals a toy out from under you! (Huey, left, and Dewey)
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: Smug little face.
2020: Alejandro (sitting up, with the attitudinous gaze) and Pablo (staring in befuddlement at his paw).
2019: Albert’s a perfect little handful.
2018: That sneaky little brat popped those kittens out and I had no idea it was happening!
2017: No entry.
2016: Looks like she caught a case of The Loons.
2015: “I wasn’t biting him on the ear and making him cry! I’d never! And I’m appalled by the accusation!”
2014: Wordless Wednesday.
2012: No entry.
2011: No entry.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Except there was no Joe Bob anywhere.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Lol that Huey and Louie fight is quite the rumble!!
At what age are the kittens’ eyes focusing? Ie, can they see you now, or are they responding to your voice?
The flow from the ducklings is incredible. I understand why there’s such a commotion about them but honestly every batch of kittens you have are adorable and should be snapped immediately
I do believe that on March 14th, you should do a photo spread of kittens past and present in the pie plate. (3/14 – National Pi Day)
This is an excellent idea!