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We had like 13 seconds of sunshine over the weekend, and Andi was RIGHT THERE for every moment of it.
“Hey, lady,” says Stapler. “Gimme that feather teaser.”
Andi up high havin’ a snooze, Stapler on the back of the couch, Posty on the arm of the couch, and Paper Clip atop the tall scratcher.
Paper Clip is guarding those springs.
Paper Clip is waiting her turn in the loaf pan, even though there’s a pie plate just behind Andi. (Also: Andi loaf! My favorite!)
Fanta’s eyes are doing the slowwww creak open.
Poppi’s are about halfway there.
Sundrop’s have been open for a couple of days now.
Moxie says “Meh. I’ll open ’em when I wanna.”
Not sure what I love most about this picture: Sodapop’s face, Fanta wandering around behind her wondering where the milk bar is, or Sundrop’s feet sticking out from between her back legs.
Pile o’ sleepy cute cute CUTE.
Wandering. Look how dark Poppi’s tail (back by the wall) is getting!
A few days ago (Thursday night, maybe?) Sodapop moved the kittens from the crate to the opposite side of the room, onto the hard, bare floor. I moved them back, she moved them again, I put down blankets, and that’s where they’ve been ever since. I did move the litter boxes from that end of the room to the other room because I didn’t like the idea of kittens rolling around in scattered litter. The crate is still in the room and Sodapop likes to hang out on top of it, but she hasn’t been inside it at all.
Mom cats do this sometimes, move their kittens. It’s instinct – if they’d given birth in “the wild,” they’d likely move them regularly to keep them safe from predators. I don’t think she felt that there was a threat, necessarily, just something in her mind pinged “Hey! Let’s be safe and move these guys.”
There’s a small heater in that room (with the closed door, it can get cool in there – or hot in the summer) so I turned it up a bit. It’s nice and warm in there and there’s no place for them to get stuck (there was a small storage chest that they COULD have crawled under; I moved it out of the room), so she can move them to her heart’s content. (Naturally, she hasn’t moved them again.)
I made “bumpers” to go around the edge of the blankets, but they do not slow the kittens down one tiny bit. They can climb right over them if they want to – BUT they’ve pretty much stuck to the blanketed area. Even if they get out, they have no problem getting back in. So it’s all good!
Alice looks so warm and snuggly.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) this weekend.
The new banner on the Love & Hisses Facebook page.
Yep, Sundrop’s eyes are open! Everyone else is on the slow plan – you can see eyeballs peeking through, so either they’ll just slowwwwly open over the weekend, or I’ll walk in and find that they’ve all popped open suddenly. For now, Sundrop will look at things and report back to his siblings whether they’re of interest or not.
Happy Valentine’s Day from these sweet girls – from left: Posty, Stapler and Paper Clip. They’d love to be your valentines! (Andi was elsewhere doing Andi things, and said to let y’all know that she will reluctantly be your valentine if you can’t find anyone else, but she won’t like it.)
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Sodapop decided it was time to move the kittens, and I couldn’t convince her to leave them in the crate. She’s the boss so WHATEVER, Sodapop. Also, in the end Fanta gets hissy.
They’re outta the crate, but they certainly didn’t make it to the opposite corner of the room on their own. Sodapop decided that they needed to be OUT of the crate and in this corner of the room late last night. I heard kittens screaming, went in to see what was going on, and moved them back to the crate. She seemed okay with that, so I went to bed.
Around 2 AM (I saw this later on the Nest camera) she moved them back to the corner for a while, then 3 of the 4 BACK to the crate (that’s a first) and the 4th (Moxie) under the cat tree, where I found her when I went in around 6:30 (see the video I posted earlier). I put Moxie in the crate with her siblings. A few hours later she moved two of them back to this corner, took a break, and ultimately moved the other two. Since she’s the boss (whether I like it or not) and there’s nothing in the room that can hurt them (as long as she keeps them at floor level – and I don’t think she could get the little chonkers up high even if she wanted to), I turned up the heater in that room a bit so they’ll stay warm, put blankets down in this corner so at least they’re not on the bare floor, and she’s free to do whatever she wants.
Andi says “Why I oughta….” (Alternately: Andi pie? My favorite!)
Good night innernets. (From left: Poppy, Moxie, Sundrop & Fanta, who – yes – still has his umbilical cord. They usually lose their cords around 3 – 5 days old, but sometimes they stay around longer. A former foster kitten – I want to say Babka, but I’m not entirely certain – kept her umbilical cord until nearly 3 weeks old.)
Yes, there’s a feather teaser up there, wildly waving around to get their attention. Clockwise from lower left: Stapler, Paper Clip, Andi & Posty.
Former fosters! Mollie (floofy tortie; formerly Millinocket in 2018) and Rupert (formerly Richie) check out the new laptop scratcher toy while Meander watches from the pie plate (Meander pie! My favorite!) and Angus (not a Love & Hisses foster, but we love him anyway) watch. Rupert decided he preferred snoopervising from a REAL laptop, and then ended up in a Pippin (formerly Carmy) headsquish. What a busy day! (Thanks Sharon!)
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The Eyeball Report from the nursery, while Mama is off at the food bowl. (Sundrop’s eyes are open completely; everyone else is taking their time.) Also: baby’s first BOOP.
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That feather teaser really gives these kittens (except Andi, who wants none of this nonsense) the crazy eyes.
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Sundrop’s eyes are open, but his ears are still kind of folded over; Moxie’s ears are popping up, but her eyes aren’t open. Poppi’s ears are folded over, and Fanta’s ears are kind of popping up. Every kitten does stuff at their own pace.
Then I help Sundrop to the milk bar, and he SCREAMS AND SCREAMS. You’ll note that Sodapop isn’t the slightest bit concerned by his dramatics.
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Kittens at the milk bar. That’s quite the little mosh pit!
That’s Moxie, curled up in the middle of the rug by herself, about six feet away from the nest where her siblings were sleeping. As I was lecturing Sodapop “You see, mama? This is why we keep the kittens in the crate when they’re this little, because they’re contained and we don’t have to worry about them getting lost!” Moxie woke up and toddled to the nest to rejoin her siblings. Okay, then.
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Sodapop’s scheming how to get those birds, and I am keeping an eye on those kittens, because someone’s gotta!
Andi is such a pretty girl. Those EYES!
Good night innernets. (From left: Sundrop, Fanta, Moxie & Poppi)
2024: No entry.
2023: They certainly love to hang out on the stairs, these girls.
2022: “Come on, lady, it’s time to have the pettin’.”
2021: Your daily foot-in-the-air picture.
2020: Isabella’s all “Now how on earth did you get out here?!”
2019: Left the room for two minutes, and #4 arrived!
2018: No entry.
2017: I love that Frankie always neatly tucks his tail over his front paws. He is a GENTLEMAN.
2016: “Look, lady, look! I had my baby! He’s kinda funny looking and he talks weird. He takes after his daddy, is what I’m thinking.”
2015: No entry.
2014: And then Orlando came along and was all “WHAT GOIN’ ON HERE?!” (That look on Ferdinand’s face is KILLING. ME. DEAD.)
2013: No entry.
2011: No entry.
2010: So, yeah, no great cleaning tips from me.
2009: And they’re such sweet girls, they deserve to find their forever homes fast!
2008: Poor girlies.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Moxie don’t need no stinking eyeballs! She can find her way aaalll around the room just fine without any.
(Ok so I was wrong about Poppi and Fanta being white, but the reasoning was sound: Poppi _isn’t_ a flame point.)
I am so impatient to know what they’ll ultimately look like! It’s like the slowest Polaroid development ever.
Just a suspicion, but I think that Sharon spoils her kitties.
Lucky for them!
Just wondering if these kitties are moving around so much pretty early.
It sure seems like it!
Kudos to Fred (and you) for creating The Wall! The beds, steps, mirror and wavy bed all look great! Looks like they are anchored securely too!
My bet’s on Moxie at least being floofy.