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In case you missed it, Saturday was a big day – first…
Helix and Spiral were adopted (together)!
They’re now Cedric and Luna, and live a few hours south of us. Their new family includes three kitty siblings (Aslan, Bagheera, and Sarafina!)
And after that…
Off went Alley Oop!
She’s now a resident of Tennessee and has one kitty brother to play with! I wish I had thought to ask if they were renaming her, but totally blanked on that. If I hear, I’ll let y’all know!
Stapler was bound and determined that Alley Oop’s adopters would be taking her along with Alley Oop (or possibly instead of?) She climbed into their laps, she napped between them, she demanded petting, and she climbed into the carrier. If they had room for another cat, I’m sure Stapler would have gone home with them, but alas.
So that leaves Stapler, Posty, Paper Clip and Andi in the foster room, still waiting for their forever homes. I wish their people would hurry up!
Today’s post includes the last of the pictures I took of Helix, Spiral and Alley Oop while they were with us.
Paper Clip and Stapler have a wrassle while Alley Oop ignores them.
Stapler and Andi up high, Helix curled up on the couch.
Alley Oop, in charge of the Chef Shrimpy’s truck.
Spiral at the water bowl, and Paper Clip standing up and looking at the laser toy, trying to figure it out.
It’s a Spiral loaf, which as you may have heard is my favorite.
Alley Oop wants to know what I’m doing.
Spiral minding the truck while Alley Oop goes racing by.
Andi in the window, Spiral in the heated bed.
“Watching you, lady.” says Spiral.
Sodapop considers her life choices.
Fanta makes an excellent pillow.
She rearranged herself so I could pet her more easily. She’s a giver!
The Pops are 1 week old today! In the next few days eyes should be opening, and I can’t WAIT!
Alice is all “If I don’t look at her, maybe she’ll go away.” You know you love me, Alice.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) this weekend.
I don’t know, y’all. This contractor (Posty) comes highly recommended, but when I asked her for a quote on fixing up the Chef Shrimpy’s truck she started demolition immediately. She says you’ve gotta tear it down to build it up and I… am not sure she knows what she’s doing. 😬
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With mama Sodapop out of the crate (she was next to me being petted; that’s who you hear purring), the kittens are in a pile of sleepy CUTE.
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Helix playing, going through the tunnel, and I am not sure exactly what happened at about 10 seconds, but his hop cracks me up every time I watch it!
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The Helix Hop in slow motion. That boy is a NUT.
Don’t you worry, Stapler’s keeping an eye on things.
Good night innernets. (Moxie acting as a pillow for (from left) Poppi, Fanta and Sundrop.)
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Helix wants to wrassle, but Alley Oop is having NONE of his nonsense. Meanwhile, Andi’s just sittin’ in her pie plate ignoring it all.
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Andi and Posty playing – more NEAR each other than WITH each other. (I love it when Andi tosses that floofy toy around!)
Hooray, hooray, Helix & Spiral were adopted (together) today! They are headed home a few hours away where they are joining a family that includes three kitty siblings. Happy life, sweet babies! ❤️
Hooray, hooray, Alley Oop was adopted today! She’s headed home to Tennessee where she has a big (kitty) brother waiting for her! I’m sure they’ll be good friends before long. Happy life, sweet girl! ❤️
And this is what Sodapop looks like OUTSIDE of the crate! After some initial trepidation, she’s decided she wants to be friends – I walk into the room, and she comes right over for some petting. Isn’t she a gorgeous girl?
Stapler (with Paper Clip) says “I know this is happening in your lap, lady, but it doesn’t really involve you, so mind your own business.”
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Helix and Spiral were adopted yesterday (together) and went home! They are now Cedric & Luna, and join a family with three kitty siblings to play with. Here’s their “from ‘hello’ to adoption” video – much shorter than they usually are, since they were only with us for a little less than three weeks!
YouTube link
Alley Oop was adopted yesterday and has gone home to Tennessee, where she joins a family that includes a kitty brother to play with. Here’s her “from “hello” to adoption” video!
The milk bar’s hoppin’! From left: Fanta (under Sodapop’s leg), Sundrop, Poppi and Moxie.
Have I perhaps mentioned that Andi is a cutie? She is indeed (OBVIOUSLY.)
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Sodapop walked into the crate and woke up the kittens, who had MUCH to say about that. They eventually settled in at the milk bar, though, and all was well.
Good night innernets. (Sundrop)
2024: No entry.
2023: Along comes Linzer!
2022: “I sees you lookin’ at my belly, lady.”
2021: Apparently they’re both keeping an eye on that belly, just in case.
2020: So, no kittens yet, obviously.
2019: Charles and the Little Nap on my Belly.
2018: No entry.
2017: That FACE.
2016: “You gonna come in here and serve up those snacks, lady?”
2015: “Okay, lady. Time for the belly rubbing!”
2014: “They have really pretty kittens in there,” thinks Dennis.
2013: No entry.
2012: Alice Mo approves of Everett’s form.
2011: Okay, so, the story on Reacher.
2010: Oh, M’Lynn. Break my heart, why don’t you?
2009: Miz Poo will put up with the kittens as long as they don’t get TOO much in her space.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
I don’t think that i could’ve resisted Stapler’s tactics.
Is Sodapop a polydactyl? Or was she just stretching her paws?
She was just stretching her paws – AND her paws are floofy so I think it makes them look bigger than they are. 🙂
Three cheers for the adoptions!!
And, it’s great that Sodapop has decided that she wants to be friends! Such a sweet little family.
Sodapop doesn’t look very old herself.
She’s about 2 years old.
The happiest of lives to all three adopted kittoons! Lucky adopting families are lucky, between the snowdoll ragshoe floof and the tortie point charm. 😀
Stapler, you are a super duper lap-snuggler heart-stealer! I wouldn’t have been able to resist those tactics either; I’d have gone home with two kitties.
Awwww, yay Sodapop – what a sweetie!