We made another attempt at getting a good Christmas card picture for next year. While we were shooting pictures, a Cookie came along, and well, I’m pretty sure she was screaming “I ARE NOT SANTA!!!!” after Fred put the hat on her tiny little head.
I don’t know what it is, but something about Mike’s sweet profile just melts me. He is the sweetest cat on earth.
“Ah, zees lahf. Eet ees, how you say? So deefeecoolt to be thees beyootifool.”
I can’t stop taking pictures of the floof. It fascinates me.
That cat bed (well, really, TWO cat beds) Miz Poo is laying on over there to the right? I had no idea that location was going to be so popular, but there’s ALWAYS at least one cat over there. It’s Hydrox’s favorite place to knead and suck fleece.
Fred put this poor, unsuspecting Cookie (I think it’s Blue) in the cat bed with Sugarbutt. As you can see, it didn’t go so well. Sugarbutt has no use for little kittens.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry
Love the Santa picture! Adorable!
Mike is looking more and more like my Matou. Matou is almost 14, and we discovered a few months ago that he has cancer. We don’t know how long he has, but I’m surprised he’s still doing fine. I didn’t think he would be spending Christmas with us…
I saw this video and had to share it with you;
Remember the viral videos:Kittens inspired by kittens?
Here is Chickens inspired by chickens:
I could have warned you that costumes are not popular with most kitties – I had that same problem! They are all such cuties! But that ear floof – I totally understand the fascination!
Oh poor little Santa Cookie…she does NOT look amused at having a hat and beard
Neither does the poor little Cookie that ended up in Sugarbutt’s bed
Gus certainly does have the french supermodel thing going on…waiting to see him on the cover of Men’s Vogue any day now
Just got caught up… OMG… the V’s haven’t been adopted yet! (Get a grip self. You will not get into the car. You will not drive to Alabama. Do not even think about it!!!!)
That floof is, well, floofalicious! No wonder you’re facinated!