In case you missed it on Facebook last night…
I have to admit, I DID have inside information on this adoption. The young man who adopted Pattypan is actually the same one who bottle fed her (and the rest of the Squash Bugs) for two days before turning them over to Challenger’s House. School was about to start up, and his mom knew he wouldn’t have time to keep bottle feeding them, so they came to Challenger’s House. The adoption was pre-approved, but of course I never announce adoptions until the paperwork is done. Pattypan (I think she’s been renamed Peanut) had to spend about 20 minutes in the cage with her siblings, but that was only so her new family could stock up on supplies and finish the paperwork.
Hopefully we’ll get updates (we love updates!), and I suspect PattyPeanut will be one happy, spoiled girl.
Today’s post has the last of the pictures of the Squash Bugs. I’m planning to put together collages of each of the kittens so we can look back at how they grew; I’ll likely schedule those posts for next week.
Ambercup likes the smell of clean laundry. Who can blame her?
Pattypan and the Squeezy Eyes o’ Love.
Calabash in the sun. If you click on that picture to see the larger version over at Flickr, you can see that she still has a ring of blue around the outside of her eyes. SO pretty!
Sweet Ambercup, posing for me.
Zuke keeps an eye on me. Those ears don’t seem to be getting any smaller, do they?
Ambercup wonders if I’m going to grab her up for a kiss. Of course I did!
Pattypan was too busy bunny-kicking Louganis’s head to pose for me.
Pattypan, kicking Ambercup’s butt. Pattypan’s a feisty one, have you noticed?
Pattypan says to Zuke “Oh, were you drinking water? Let me get in your way!”
Newt’s all “FEWER kittens in the house? Well, you’re headed in the right direction, lady.”
2014: I don’t know what you did, but Sheriff Mama’s got her eye on you, and it looks like you’re in TROUBLE.
2013: “Hello, beautiful ceiling fan, going around and around!”
2012: No entry.
2011: “QUIT IT!” I yelled and waved my arm again, again to no avail.
2010: The many faces of Georgie, Livestock Guardian Dog extraordinaire
2009: “Hey, look! A box! And toys!”
2008: Now that all her babies have been adopted, Kara will be going to the pet store on Thursday, hopefully to be adopted quickly.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Warm little pile o’ kitties.
I know you hear this but I think it can never be said enough: Thank You! Your love and care of these itty bitties and your Permant Residents (including the chickens and George) shine sooooo brightly in dark times. (Fred’s too, no slight intended).
On Friday, I lost my 15-year old Finn and just being able to see Pattypan and company has helped immensely. I always look for them first thing each day (or since I seem to have lost the skill of sleep, last thing ever bed at 5am).
Love & Hisses is helping me through this and I truly appreciate.
Carol – I am very sorry about your Finn. ((hugs))
Oh Carol, my heart breaks for you, I’m so sorry
Oh Carol, I am so very sorry. I’m glad that the site has helped in your time of sorrow. ::hugs::
Carol, I am sorry to hear about Finn. We all know how hard it is to lose our special friends.
I’m glad that you’re finding comfort in your memories and with the L&H community.
Hugs to you, Carol. May your memories of happy times with Finn help lighten your heart (and lull you to sleep)…
So happy for sweet baby Pattypan!
2008 Kara post – “No we are not keeping her.”
I KNOW. If you’ve noticed, I try to hedge my statements with “We’re not planning to keep him/her” these days in hopes of not making God laugh
I think you’ve said that about ALL of the permanent residents. You weren’t going to keep Sugarbutt, Tommy, Kara, Stefan, Dennis…
A-ha! So that’s why Pattypan got scooped up so quickly! I like her new name, it suits her really well, too! I hope they officially keep all three, though (Peanut Pattypan Squashbug would be a fun name for a vet tech to see in an appointment schedule LOL).
Was she picked out the moment they found her or did they only know they wanted to keep ONE of the kittens and watching her grow up on your blog sealed the deal?
I’m pretty sure they knew they wanted to keep her, specifically. I don’t think they knew about the site until last week, when they emailed Susan to see when the kittens would be available for adoption. They couldn’t wait to get their hands on her! 🙂
So happy that Peanut Pattypan Squashbug is back with her hero! May her sibs quickly find perfect forever homes, too!
The water is better over on that side of the fountain!!
Ahh, so you cheated on our bet.. well in that case I’ll use that five dollars to buy my foster kittens food 😉
I refuse to pay up – she cheats. 🙂
Probably if I took that $5, I could be prosecuted for insider trading! 😀
YAY for quick adoptions!! We hope the rest of them go fast too!
Hurray for Pattypan/Peanut!
I have a question for Friday …
The mama cat and her two kittens I adopted and brought into the house two years ago have always been shy around strangers. Henry, in particular, is often skittish around even me. Is there any way to socialize cats? I live alone and don’t often have company but is there something I can do when I do have someone over?
I have tried the Feliway without success. Pilling any of the cats is a no go. That alone would create more stress than any anti-anxiety / anti-depressant would help. The three of them just retreat to the space between the bed slats and box spring in my room and there is no coaxing them out. You just have to wait until they emerge on their own.
Yesterday I had to – literally – chase Henry around the house for 5 minutes before he was so freaked out he froze and I was able to grab him up for his vet visit. It was the fourth appointment I had made as I cancelled three previous when I was unable to catch him. I’m too old and the cat doesn’t need this kind of stress either.
All advice and opinions would be gratefully received.
Just five minutes? That’s not bad. I’ve actually grabbed them and basically left them in a closed bathroom/suite overnight in an attempt to take them to the vets the next day.
I’ve crawled into closets and empty rooms for half an hour or so just to read with the cat nearby. So they become comfortable with my presence without demanding cuddles or hands-on time.
They may never be lapcats but not running away at the sight of you is a minor triumph.
That laundry pic with Ambercup is too adorable. Such a love. Not surprised that Pattypan was snapped up.
Oh Zuke, I would so snap you up if I could.
Yay for Pattypan no matter whether you knew ahead or not.
Carol-I’m sending you ((hugs)).
Regarding Pattypan’s pics, all I could think of was kitten fight club.