“What?” Have I mentioned that these kittens really like Fred’s room?
“Not sure what I think about this one, lady.”
Sodapop gives Unca Stefan a sniff.
“Why this one not wanna play with me?”
Sodapop is SERIOUSLY judging you.
Darry likes to hang out under the bed.
Ponyboy thinks the pagoda cat tree is pretty cool.
The Greasers are headed off to Petsmart in a few hours. I’m planning to put Darry (or maybe Sodapop, I haven’t decided yet) in the cage with Hemlock and Juniper (who somehow remain unadopted).
These guys have turned out to be the SWEETEST lovebugs, I hope they’re adopted very quickly. Fingers crossed!
Every now and then, on a schedule known only to himself, Archie stomps into the kitchen, pulls the kitchen towel down, and bunny-kicks it into submission. I don’t know what that’s all about, but I guess I don’t know what the kitchen towels get up to when I’m not around, so maybe he knows something I don’t.
2015: “How I get on the innernets on this thing?” Skinny Pete wonders.
2014: Warning: Ralph cannot hold his licker.
2013: Tidy Cats Lightweight Litter Review.
2012: No entry.
2011: Now he’s the whiniest little complainer I’ve ever seen.
2010: Melodie, doing some heavy-duty flirting, is apparently annoying Martin.
2009: Maybe we’ve got some little Houdinis on our hands.
2008: Zoe got adopted over the weekend!
2007: No entry.
2006: I wouldn’t say he LIKES her, but he’s not scared of her (much) anymore.
2005: “His real name is Sad Eyes?”
Godspeed, Greasers, and may you and your Evergreeen pals find your families soonest. Creed, too. Everything about that Stefan vid is divine, not least the reproof about the towel!
Dear Robyn, I love this post (as I do all your posts), but … it is Thursday.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s fixed. (Hey, I wrote it last night, so it was still Wednesday!)
I love the quilt in Fred’s room! where is it from?
Kohl’s! I get most of our bedding from there.
Safe and speedy travels Greasers!!
Awww…. Stefan’s “Why this one not wanna play with me?” broke my heart! That is so adorable!
those kitchen towels can be tricky
good luck Greasers….try not to be too judgy of the people walking by
He taught that towel never to mess with him!
that towel totally talks smack about you
(clicks LIKE button)
Those flour sack towels are the RUDEST.
Archie is so pretty <3
He is bunny kicking and then notices, “Oh. Umm. You caught me telling this towel off. Never mind…”