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Janeway is such a pretty, pretty girl.
Spock’s trying to figure out why Janeway spends so much time looking at the ceiling fan.
There was a feather teaser involved in the making of this picture. They both love the feather teaser, but Spock loves it just a tiny bit more.
Trixie on the front porch, making herself at home.
(Trixie and her brother Rocco (a black and white tuxie) belong to a neighbor, but spend a lot – A LOT – of their time on our porch or side yard or wandering along the back of our property.)
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Spock LEAPS! into the day.
Nala and Sarabi (formerly Kes and Troi) have a new toy, and they are having a lot of fun with it! (Thanks, Amanda!)
YouTube link
It’s breakfast time for Spock and Janeway. (I love how Spock marches while he’s eating.)
Janeway in the box with her favorite red spring, and Spock lurking.
Good night innernets. (Spock & Janeway)
2022: Basically, I think she’s thinking “Calgon, take me away!”
2021: Sammy’s got the Ears of I Ain’t Foolin’ going on here.
2020: Wild Bill’s got something to say, and Candy Apple is clearly thinking “Yeah. Fascinating, dude.”
2019: No entry.
2018: Cruise makes herself at home.
2016: Wahhh! Raleigh’s da BAYYYYbee!
2015: Joe Bob, givin’ me a little attitude.
2014: Sungold.
2013: “I get NO RESPECT from these little monsters. None at ALL!”
2012: I worded that sentence as though there’s ever been a week in my entire life where I’ve dusted more than once. I have not.
2011: “It’s a giant sparkle ball! Someone left me a giant sparkle ball! This is the most awesome thing ever!”
2010: We’re beginning their training early, making them help with dishwasher duty.
2009: I love my Wonkas.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: “What? You’ve never seen a cat in a box?”
Liking the new format!!
Please give Alice a scritch for me….or ignore her entirely, I’m not certain which one she’s like more.