Gus on my bed, lookin’ so darn cute.
Gus with the green eyes, Francesca with the gold. So PRETTY.
Look at the sharp teeth on Mike!
Kim in the sun – and Gus in the background, and you can see Mike through her whiskers. Basically, I think she’s thinking “Calgon, take me away!”
Saul requests that you not notice that the tub needs to be cleaned.
The magnificently floompy Khal.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
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Breakfast is served! I never move quite fast enough in the morning for the kittens, who are CLEARLY (despite the food already available to them) starving to death.
It’s Toesday and Saul suggests you admire these beans.
Look at Jack-Jack (formerly Jamie, from the Outlander Clan) – is that a content little face, or what? Michael says: “Henri says he’s happy Jack-Jack(aka Jamie) came to live with us but can we have some boundaries? 😀 “
(Thanks, Michael!)
I tossed this toy toward the kittens, expecting… well, I wasn’t expecting THIS. Francesca immediately took flight and caught the toy in mid-air. That girl can JUMP. Notice Nacho, Gus and Saul looking on in amazement.
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Gus, Francesca and Mike are happy little purrbabies.
Mike has a little crush on the ceiling fan. He’ll occasionally stop what he’s doing, look up at it, and wave his paws around. He’s pretty sure that one of these days he’ll get hold of it.
Good night innernets. (Francesca)
2021: Sammy’s got the Ears of I Ain’t Foolin’ going on here.
2020: Wild Bill’s got something to say, and Candy Apple is clearly thinking “Yeah. Fascinating, dude.”
2019: No entry.
2018: Cruise makes herself at home.
2016: Wahhh! Raleigh’s da BAYYYYbee!
2015: Joe Bob, givin’ me a little attitude.
2014: Sungold.
2013: “I get NO RESPECT from these little monsters. None at ALL!”
2012: I worded that sentence as though there’s ever been a week in my entire life where I’ve dusted more than once. I have not.
2011: “It’s a giant sparkle ball! Someone left me a giant sparkle ball! This is the most awesome thing ever!”
2010: We’re beginning their training early, making them help with dishwasher duty.
2009: I love my Wonkas.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: “What? You’ve never seen a cat in a box?”
I never noticed it before, but in the Mike and the ceiling fan picture, it looks like Mike also has a tiny bit of white in his, well, let’s call it his “bikini” area. How did I miss that? Also, will the kittens dress up for Halloween this year?
That’s his Speedo bathing suit. 🙂
And I’m trying to get kittens-in-costumes pictures for Halloween, but they’re being DIFFICULT.
In the video of Mama Kim eating with the kittens, is she on any special food?
No, we’re between special foods at the moment – I tried one kind, she didn’t like it, and now we’re waiting for another special kind to arrive from Chewy (should be here tomorrow.) Fingers crossed that she likes this one!
Life is clearly hard for jack-Jack.
Thank,you Michelle for the pic!
Can you pick Khal up, hold him like a baby, and snorgle his belly???? ‘Cause it looks like it would be delightful.
I can’t pick him up, but when I lie down on the couch or in bed, he comes up to me, and I can do pretty much anything I want to – he doesn’t mind if I grab him, pull him to me, and kiss him all over his face.