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Skip and Lolly(gag) are now on Instagram! (Hopefully you can see this embedded post.)
Sydney and Richie keeping an eye on me.
And Carmy and Richie doing the same.
Tina says “Shhhh, don’t tell them where I am!”
Churu time! Still only Sydney, Carmy and Tina are interested in Churu right now, but I feel that Jeff and Richie will come around in the next week or so.
I was trying to get a picture of Carmy alone, and Tina had to come see what was going on.
When Tina wandered off, Sydney came up to strike a pose with Carmy.
Jeff’s cleaning Richie’s ear, and Sydney’s trying to have a snooze.
“Is time for breakfast?” Newt inquires.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
Carmy is 8 weeks old! He weighs 2 1/4 pounds (1.01 KG), and is doing great!
YouTube link
I pulled this clip off the Nest cam. I’ve titled it “Mama gets no peace,” but honestly her lack of peace in this video is her own fault. The kittens were all just hanging out or sleeping, and she woke them up with the “Milk bar is open!” call. Naturally they swarmed, and after letting them nurse for about 1 minute, Tina said “Yeah, no.” OF COURSE they followed her around… and imagine her surprise when she went to the Desk of Solitude and discovered that one of the kittens (I’m pretty sure that’s Carmy) can get up on the desk now! (I was pretty surprised too, to be honest.)
YouTube link
Tina’s tail continues to be OH so tempting to Sydney. (One day she’s going to discover her own tail, and it’s going to blow her mind.)
Jeff says “RICHIE! Mama says we’re not allowed to try to nurse when she’s in her loaf pan! That’s her quiet time to reflect on her life choices! You are gonna be in so much trouble!”
Good night innernets. (From left: Richie, Jeff, Carmy & Sydney)
A Carmy pie with a side of catnip green bean. (My favorite!)
YouTube link
While Richie eats and Tina has some quiet time in her loaf pan (and I don’t remember where Jeff was – probably doing important Jeff things), Carmy and Sydney race around the room.
Tina’s tail is SO TEMPTING, but Sydney is trying to be good. You can see how hard she’s struggling not to GRAB that tail!
YouTube link
While Tina is busy eating, the kittens entertain themselves by tussling. This time they’ve paired up by color (black kittens Sydney (floofy) and Jeff together, brown tabbies Carmy and Richie together.)
I’ve started introducing Churu to the kittens, and Carmy is a BIG fan. So is Sydney… and Tina, who wanted NOTHING to do with Churu before her kittens became fans is suddenly right up there with them. (Jeff and Richie are of the “Ew, no thank you” mindset, but I’m pretty sure that’ll change.)
Good night innernets. (Carmy (top left), Sydney (bottom left), Jeff (top right), and Richie.)
YouTube link
This video is short, but it makes me laugh. Carmy was playing with that toy which has been hanging on the wall forever (I take it down to wash between litters, but always hang it back up right there) and Tina is all “What the-? Where did this toy come from?! Did the toy fairy come again?!”
Carmy’s getting his ears cleaned by Richie in the donut tunnel… as you do!
YouTube link
Jeff is having a sassy day (and eventually Richie and Sydney are too!) I’m not sure mama Tina approves.
Good night innernets. (Carmy, in my lap.)
2023: No entry.
2022: “Lady, GIVE me that camera, I needs to take a selfie!”
2021: No entry.
2020: Athos went home last night!
2019: In case you somehow missed it, Margeaux and Katriane headed home Friday.
2018: We’re gonna need a bigger plate!
2017: No entry.
2016: No entry.
2015: Have you heard the rumors?
2014: On Tuesdays we leap (and climb).
2013: Adriana waits patiently for the mother ship to call her home.
2012: No entry.
2011: George and Gracie Friday!
2010: No entry.
2009: He cracks me up, that boy.
2008: Look at Delmar over there on the right, giving me the sass as if he doesn’t fling himself onto his back at the slightest touch.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: “M-O-O-N!” Fred said. “That spells Tom Cullen!”
It’s always time for breakfast for you Newt..
Isn’t THAT the truth!