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The panther brigade (Jeff in the front, Sydney in the back) is judging me.
Sydney and Richie have a snuggle (or a tussle?) in the hammock.
The panther brigade (this time with Sydney in the front, Jeff in the back) judge me again.
Sydney’s fabulous and she knows it.
Tina is just so PRETTY (and she knows it.)
This little cat tree/scratcher/bed is in the dining room, and I hoped the cats would use it when I put it there, but I had no idea how popular it’d be. Alice spends a lot of time watching the birds through the window, and then curling up for a nap.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.
It’s a Tina pie to start the day! (My favorite!)
All hail Princess Sydney, ruler of the mushroom forest (and her sidekick Carmy who appears to be licking the mushroom stem for reasons known only to his own silly self.)
YouTube link
Kittens gone wild! (Tina sure does put up with a lot from these little muffinheads.)
Richie’s all “He’s behind me, isn’t he?” Sure is!
YouTube link
Richie has a sleepy.
Jeff’s getting ready for a nap in the Toastycat bed.
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: The moment after I took this picture, the kitten closest to Charlie hissed. RUDE.
2020: Welcome to the permanent resident roster, Charlie.
2019: Henri’s all “What doin’, weird lady?”
2017: Aurora would like you to admire her armpit.
2016: Darry gave his a deep sniff.
2015: “That’s MY foot!”
2014: Cap’n Trader Joe, sailin’ that track toy to shore.
2013: Tony practices his PAWS UP, Y’ALL.
2012: “I are having a thought.”
2011: The Catpranos (warning: the language! Sweet mother of god the LANGUAGE!)
2010: “What, lady? What you want?”
2009: Life is good.
2008: Pet store kitties.
2007: Crazy Eyes struggles with a wee case of claustrophobia.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
You should do calendars this year devoted to the Fruitasan & the Pink Chair.
Let me get the regular calendars done and then I’ll think about specialty ones! 🙂
“Sydney and Richie have a snuggle (or a tussle?) in the hammock.”
A snussle?
“snussle”!!! Love it!
What a fabulous photo of Carmy that is at the end!
Hi, Alice! 🙂
(Isn’t it so darn gratifying when cats actually do use the stuff that we have carefully and hopefully placed around?)
Yes – and it’s always such a shock! 🙂