This sweet girl is Freya. She’s being fostered by reader Alex, who says:
I’m a long-time follower of L&H, and a couple of times on L&H I shared the saga of a lovely little stray black cat that I had been feeding and have now been fostering for about a month. I call her “Momma” (though her name is “officially” Freyja) because I think that she is the same cat on whom I did TNR a couple of years ago and whose kittens I fostered and then adopted out.
After a month of having her in our spare bathroom and trying to integrate her into our household, it’s become clear that she doesn’t get along with our our resident cats, one of whom is becoming very stressed out by her presence. Unfortunately I don’t have much time to try to work them through their conflict – I have a 14-month-old daughter and I work full time. In addition, our apartment is just kind of a big loft, so there are no separate rooms other than the bathroom for her to explore and run around in. She’s bored and our cats are upset, so I’m now reaching out in as many ways as I can to try to find her a new foster situation or – even better – a permanent home.
She loves people, playing, eating, and being petted (but not being picked up), and I think she would do okay with older children. I think, though, that she would need to be an only cat or at least have enough space to avoid other cats in residence. I’m sure she would also love some outdoor space.
Here is a link to her profile (the rescue I’ve been working with is called Brooklyn Animal Action, and the profile has a few photos of her; the tipped ear is from her TNR).
We’re in Brooklyn, but have a car and could get her to other locations in the greater NYC area for a willing adopter.
If you can give this gorgeous, sweet girl a home – whether foster or permanent – contact Brooklyn Animal Action, or email me and I’ll pass your email along to Alex!
I love how tossing a toy into a basket makes even skittish kittens come running over to see what’s going on.
Mariette, suspicious of my intentions.
Ferdinand stops to see what Maria’s doing.
They sure do love that box – it’s a good one, nice and solid. Tricki and Toto loved it, and now these guys get to use it!
Orlando reminds me – gorgeous eyes and suspicious attitude – of Baby Beans.
Maria shows off her long, long tail.
The kittens are definitely coming around. Every time I went into the room yesterday, Maria wandered over for petting. Orlando and Mariette circled me warily, clearly very much wanting to be friends. When Fred went in to hang out with them last night, he dug Orlando out from his hiding space (under the doll bed), and petted him. Orlando purred almost immediately, and when Fred let him go, Orlando took a step away, and then came right back for more petting. These guys are so sweet, they’re killing me.
PS: For some reason, I keep calling Ferdinand “Fernando.” I’ve caught it so far, but if you guys ever notice that I called him Fernando, please let me know so I can fix it!
Guess who’s spending a lot of time inside lately? Maxi has apparently realized that if she just gets up on Fred’s desk and stays there and ignores her stalkers (Jake and Corbie), they’ll give up and stop staring up at her. Smart girl!
2013: Mercury’s Glamour Shots pose.
2012: No entry.
2011: Updates on adopted kittens.
2010: Kara, keeping an eye on YOU.
2009: No entry.
2008: Spot.
2007: Obviously he just doesn’t love Joe Bob enough.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
I like Fernando better. I thought of that name yesterday and had to correct myself, too. Somehow Ferdinand is “difficult”…
Maxi is just so purdy!!!!
I agree. I’m not going to tell you not to call him Fernando, because I think it fits him.
Although, I’d forgive you if you decided to save the name for an ABBA litter 🙂
Also – Maria’s a torbie! Looks like Mariette is as well. So pretty.
Ooh, good idea! An ABBA litter.
Can you year the drums, Fernando?
Exactly! The mama would have to be Mia (short for Mamma Mia).
There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright, Fernando!
I shall be singing that for the rest of the evening. Thanks 🙂
They are so pretty! And I love Maxi – she looks like she’s made out of velvet!
Robyn, ever since I started reading your blog and saw the phrase ‘ears of annoyance’, I can’t get it out of my head – anytime I see an annoyed cat, I don’t think ‘annoyed cat’, I think ‘ears of annoyance’!! It makes me laugh, thank you!
I love me some Ears of Annoyance! 🙂
Kittens on the internets – – I am 100% positive that’s what the webs were discovered for! Love and Hisses being my first love and go to every morning to ‘start my day’, however, wanted to pass on a live stream kitten cam from an animal rescue org in Canada. The momma was waddling heavily pregnant yesterday when I last checked… but seems that she delivered sometime yesterday afternoon/evening and live feed of momma and babies.. sooooo cute!
Yes, I watched that one last night too – six adorable babies including two gingers 🙂 And Mama is lovely.
That is one beautiful bunch!
ooohhh Thanks for sharing,JewekedSkye. Mama is so beautiful and the babies adorable! I can see that I will be spending quite some time watching over the next several weeks!
Ok…just went to look at the site. OMG…sooo tiny…sooooo cute… nursing…w-a-nt. Want mama too! She is Purdy!
Maxi also realized that it’s nice and toasty under Fred’s desk lamp too I’m guessing.
I keep thinking those cheetah arms are Maria’s tail.
He actually doesn’t have a desk lamp – but I think that some of the heat from my space heater travels across the room just right so that she gets some of it!
“Ferdy” is a common nickname/abbreviation for “Ferdinand,” for those who’ve taken agin his name. Wonderful pics today, Robyn (as usual), and those Players are coming along super-quickly. Here’s hoping that beautiful Freya finds a home soon, and I’m glad to hear that Maxi has found the ideal redoubt!
Just wanted to check on you guys done in the Ice Fortress of the south… did you guys get iced in? Or is northern Alabama doing ok?
We’re doing just fine. It’s been colllld, but only a few flakes of snow for us!
I think you want to call him Fernando because his brothers are OrlandO and AngelO. It just makes sense : )
That does make sense!
They are all beauties… I’m falling for Maria now.
Cats taking “selfies.” I’ll admit it, I laughed out loud…