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Andi again, keeping an eye on me. I guess someone’s gotta!
Helix is very very pleased with himself. As he should be!
Places to go! (As Paper Clip looks on.)
Spiral and the Precious Moments eyes.
“What doin’, lady?” wonders Paper Clip.
Alley Oop and Stapler were playing a rousing game of Slappy Paws.
Charlie is REALLY enjoying the bird feeder. He comes upstairs to watch the birds every afternoon, and the birds watch him back (although in this picture, it really looks like that finch is watching me, not Charlie).
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
All right people, here are your cheat sheets so you can remember who’s related to whom. Helix (boy) and Spiral are siblings. Paper Clip, Posty and Stapler (all girls) are sisters. Alley Oop and Andi are not related to each other or any of the other kittens. They have the same date of birth and both lack tails (Andi’s got a tiny bit of tail, Alley Oop’s tail is 2 – 3 inches long; they were born that way), but are not related. (And you can email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at info (at) ffhsv.org to inquire about adopting any of these guys – I understand that there have been a few applications on Helix & Spiral, but as far as I know none on any of the others.)
Look, it’s Rupert (former foster Richie)! Sharon says: “Rupert is exhausted from playing slap paw under the door with Meander. Meander always plays to win.” (Thanks Sharon!)
YouTube link
Every morning, after breakfast, the kittens play and play and play. All the kittens except Andi make an appearance in this video, I believe. (Andi likes to play, but she prefers a quieter playtime and waits until there aren’t quite so MANY other kittens playing before she joins in.)
Andi’s complaining about how dirty and smeary that window is, but y’know? I didn’t see HER cleaning snot off the window, so perhaps she should slow her roll.
YouTube link
Stapler and Paper Clip are in my lap giving each other baths, and Helix is lying across my chest getting scritches and purring up a storm. (Sorry I talked through the whole thing, I’m sure y’all would have preferred to hear more purring and less talking!)
Sisters! Stapler up high, Posty on the floor. This is the first time I’m noticing how their eyes are the exact same color, ’cause I’m slow like that.
Good night innernets. (Spiral)
2024: No entry.
2023: No entry.
2022: 2022: Year of the Faker, apparently.
2021: OH that belly.
2020: We’re just enjoying every moment we can with that sweet girl.
2019: They seem to be listing to starboard a bit.
2018: No entry.
2017: Frankie: looking for a home. (HA.)
2016: One of the boy ducks, gettin’ flappy.
2015: “No, lady. Pet with BOTH hands!”
2014: So without further ado, meet The Players!
2013: We’ve been calling him “Meatball” and “Meathead.”
2012: No entry.
2011: I’ve probably never mentioned before that I think Corbie is the prettiest cat on earth, have I? No, surely not.
2010: Elwood’s got a complaint.
2009: As she reached for the slot machine arm, Samba sent a prayer to the Big Cat in the Sky.
2008: Yes, he is a good dog. No, we’re still not keeping him.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Oh Rupert, its a tough life. Suspect that you and Meander have it very, very good.
Oh my goodness, paperclips pink nose on white is just really getting to me, so pretty!! I’ve had such a manic day at work I’ve not had a chance to check in, and this is a breath of fresh air. 😀
Awwwww. You are awash in sweet kittens again! And I have to tell you, your name suggestions for snowshoe ragdoll mixes are adorable – I love snowdolls as a possibility – but ragshoe almost immediately inspired me to silliness (am I slow in saying so? why yes I am), with apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan:
I am a floofy kitty made of rags and patches, I soak up all the scratches, and play and purrrrrrrr and flop…
Any word on how shy Mr. Oakley of silver tabbiness is doing?
I haven’t asked, but I’m sure he’s doing fine. Michelle will work her magic on him.
Definitely had to go to YouTube to play Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me” (1983)!
“… I always feel like somebody’s watching me
And I have no privacy (oh, oh)
I always feel like somebody’s watching me
Tell me is it just a dream?”
Love that song!