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I love the way this picture shows Spiral’s delightfully floofy tail. (And Helix looks like he had too much catnip and crashed.)
Stapler sniffs out the situation.
Spiral glaring at me. (She has such a serious face, but she is actually a sweet little lovebug.)
Helix to Paper Clip: “Hey! Keep it down, I’m trying to nap!”
Spiral with less of a glare. Such a pretty girl!
“Whatchoo doin’, lady?” wonders Paper Clip.
Posty likes the window hammock. (It’s pretty popular among this bunch.)
Andy, Posty (in the blue bed), Spiral and Stapler (looking like she’s about to pounce.)
I was scooping the litter boxes, and turned around to see Stapler giving me the tilted head. Such a cutie.
The gray girls – Andi (top) and Posty. (And the window looks awful I know, but I’d just scrubbed 7,000 boogers off of it and hadn’t finished up with the window cleaner yet.)
Alley Oop keeps an eye on things.
And a close up of her tail, if you’re curious.
After a week on meds, the kittens are improving. Andi never needed meds, and I’ve been watching her for signs of sneezing, but she’s been clear-eyed and sneeze-free. Posty has weepy eyes, but she’s better than she was a few days ago. Stapler is sneeze-free and has no goopy eyes and Paper Clip is the same. The worst of the bunch are Andi, Helix and Spiral, all of whom are still sneezing quite a bit BUT they’re much improved over last week. Hopefully by the end of this week I’ll be reporting that they’re all better. A girl can dream!
Andi seems to have decided that I’m not so bad – over the weekend I made a point of going over and petting her whenever I walked into the room (except for the times when she was sleeping in the higher of the two beds on the wall), and by Saturday afternoon she’d follow me to the couch and come over to me for more petting for a few minutes. Alley Oop – who has been wary of me since I brought them to this strange place and immediately started medicating her – has decided I’m not so bad, too. She flopped down next to me on the couch a few times over the weekend so I could pet her. I imagine once she no longer needs to be medicating, she’ll be more amenable to me approaching her. Right now, she tends to skitter away if I bend down to pet her. Which, like I said, is understandable. Both Spiral and Helix are quite friendly – they’ll both come to me to be petted, and Helix climbed up on me and took a long nap on Saturday (which I loved, but also worried that he’d sneeze right in my face or hair. He did neither, fortunately.)
Stapler, as I’ve mentioned, is SUPER friendly. She and her sisters (Posty and Paper Clip) are all lap cats, but it takes them a minute to come to me for petting. Stapler has NO hesitation at all – loves to be petted, loves to snooze in my lap, loves to play. The complete package!
“MAH-AHM, I’m ON the PHONE, what do you WANT?!”
“Go ahead, it’s just my MOM, she’s so ANNOYING.”
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Breakfast time! 6 of the 7 – Alley Oop likes to hang back and wait for the others to finish before she eats.
Someone asked to see Posty (left) and Stapler next to each other to compare the markings on their faces. This is the best I could do. They definitely have the same markings – Stapler’s are wider than Posty’s, but Stapler as a whole is wider than Posty too. 🙃
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The kittens are doing slightly better (they’re on meds for upper respiratory stuff; you may hear some sneezing and snuffling), and they’re playing a lot!
Former fosters Joni (left) and Marcy (formerly Marsali) keep a close eye on that squirrel. I don’t know what I love more – the way the cats are watching the squirrel so intently, Marcy’s reflection in the window, or the squirrel all “Oh yeah? Whatcha gonna DO?!” It’s a perfect shot!
In case you were worried, Pip (formerly Carmy) and Rupert (formerly Richie) are still keepin’ it clean! (Thanks, Sharon!)
Good night innernets. (Alley Oop, in her heated bed.)
Andi says “Scoot over, Spiral, I’m coming in!” (Spiral’s okay with that.)
Andi has no tail, you may have noticed. She was born that way (it’s not due to trauma). Is she a Manx? Well, if you’re using “Manx” to mean “she ain’t got no tail,” then yes. If you’re asking if she’s a Manx breed, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Stray/dumped kittens don’t come with paperwork and cat DNA tests are around $100, so I’m going to declare yes, she is absolutely 100% unequivocally Manx and you can apply to adopt this sweet, shy girl at info (at) ffhsv.org. 😽
Posty says “Pardon me, lady, you got some pettin’ for me?” (Of course I do!)
It’s a Stapler loaf. (My favorite!)
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I name off all the fosters, but of course Paper Clip was off elsewhere doing important Paper Clip things. ONE day I’m going to get all the fosters in one video!
Paper Clip’s just hanging out. (Please admire her tail light. SO CUTE.)
Clockwise from right: Alley Oop, Stapler, Paper Clip, and Helix watch their favorite toy, while Spiral considers kicking that stuffed crocodile around the room. (That toy is the Instincts Hidden Hijinks Electronic Motion Cat Toy, made by SmartyKat and you can find it in Petsmart, Walmart, Amazon and Chewy. It basically moves a feather teaser around under the fabric skirt.)
Former foster Meander, with her One True Love Angus. How sweet are these two? SO SWEET. (Thanks, Sharon!)
Andi’s gonna catch some birds!
YouTube link
Helix was in the donut, basically doing laps, and it got Alley Oop’s attention!
Alley Oop says “I’m keeping an eye on you, lady!”
Good night innernets. (Helix & Spiral)
2024: No entry.
2023: With the fosters off being spayed today, we’re going to focus on the permanent residents (in alphabetical order.)
2022: My prediction is that we’re going to get a “no pregnant” and some meds, but of course I’ll let y’all know.
2021: “You talkin’ about my belly again?”
2020: Maybe in another 13 years I’ll try again.
2019: Haaaave you met Charles, father to Caroline’s kittens?
2018: No entry.
2017: Yes, his name is definitely Frankie.
2016: “Babies! You can come out any time now, the lady says!”
2015: If that’s not a judgemental little face, I don’t know what is.
2014: This is Orlando, I think.
2013: No entry.
2012: Everett, Sally, and Lucy made Tommy an honorary black Pepper.
2011: “Pay no attention to the Rhyme behind me.”
2010: Cheesecake pose.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
Aww, Posty and Stapler, being tuxedo cats, are wearing their bowties sideways up their noses. Adorable!
I keep chuckling at the two pics of Alice mo and her “talking”.
Love those pics of Alice! It really does look like she’s having a conversation!
love the former fosters all looking so smug and snug!!!
There is *so* much cat tail cuteness in the Foster Room right now: sleek, poofy, lit, nubby and nubbiest!
I just love Stapler! I’ve got a weakness for tuxies (I’ve had 4!) and I love the “bowtie” (thanks, Colehaus Cats!) on her nose!
I do so love Alice!
I’m glad to hear Spiral is sweet as well as beautiful. She and Helix should have no trouble finding a home. I hope they feel better soon.
I have been following you since sometime in 2023 and today I actually listened to the Alice Mo jingle. Loved, loved it.
Glad you like it! 🙂