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So surprised to see Alice in close proximity to anyone…has that ever happened before, and do you have photographic proof?
Alice and Khal often hang out on the couch together, actually. They’ve never had a problem with each other, and when Jake was still with us, the three of them would often hang out near each other.
Alice and Khal hanging out together in Fred’s lap. (2021)
Khal, Alice, and Jake – and Trixie on the back of the couch (before Trixie moved in down the street.) (2022)
Hanging out on Fred’s bed. (2024)
I’ve been reading since the True Bloods (2008? 2009?) and I feel like back then you had a LOT more permanent residents. Is this the fewest you’ve had?
One day I want to do a chart of the number of permanent residents by year, but short answer: yes. This is the fewest we’ve had since 1998 or 1999. (The highest number we had was 14 at Crooked Acres in… 2011, 2012, I think?)
Wow what a cat wonderland!!! Kudos to you and Fred!
Will you let the Perms use it before the next set of fosters arrive?
The permanent residents did not get a chance to try out the new wall – and to be honest, I’d be a little nervous if Charlie decided to climb up into one of the beds. Fred assures me that those beds aren’t moving (they’re screwed into studs on both sides), but I’d still worry.
Love the new “furniture”! One suggestion: on the shelves you may want to staple on a low nap carpet or cork pad or something so they don’t slip from jumping, and they will find farther places to jump from, as cats do. 😉
Oh yes, I forgot to mention that! I’ve got some adhesive carpet pieces coming from Amazon, should be here this weekend.
I would worry about the kitties falling off the bed but know that its not really a problem.
That’s why everything is over the couch – hopefully if they do fall, they’ll land on the couch. (But I’d prefer it if no one fell!)
Bet the house feels kind of empty. I know mine does after losing so many this past year.
It is so odd to look in the living room, see all three permanent residents in there, and know that there’s just the three of them now.
Do you get many tailless cats in your area? Could Andi and Alley Oop be related?
Alley Oop and Andi have the same estimated birthdate and short tails. It sounds like they could be related. Did they tell you where they were first found?
I don’t know where they were initially found, but I asked Michelle if there’s any chance the two are related, and she said that there’s no way at all.
FYI, magic erasers clean snot off walls! Not sayin’ how I know…..
I actually knew this! But do you imagine that I had a single Magic Eraser in this house when I wanted to clean some of the snot off the walls yesterday? I did NOT. (That has since been remedied. Because GOOD LORD is dried cat snot hard to clean up with a microfiber cloth. Cat snot is so strongly adhesive you could probably stick a car to the ceiling of a house with the help of a couple of sneezy cats, and it would NEVER come down.)
It looks like Stapler and Posty have the same “bridge” across their noses — it’s like where their shades would sit. I’d like a closer picture of Posty so we can compare to Stapler!
I’ll see if I can get a side-by-side picture of the two of them this weekend!
How can you/they tell that Alley Oop is a torti point snowshoe mix? I ask, because we adopted two cats that we were told were mother and daughter, but they don’t look alike at all! The “mother” is a torti, and the “daughter” clearly has “snowshoe feet”. The daughter’s coloring is a lot like Alley Oop’s though she has a lot more black (e.g., her face is all dark and her ears do the color point black thing), but I don’t see torti in her at all! I know you (and your readers) know more about cat genetics than I’ve been able to find on the internet, so I’m curious how Alley Oop’s mix was identified.
I actually took a picture of her ears (see below) just so that y’all could see her tortie coloring. If it wasn’t for the tortie coloring on the one ear, I don’t think I’d think of her as a tortie point. BUT, that said – I am not terribly knowledgeable about cat genetics, and mostly when I want to know what to call a color point/snowshoe/ragdoll cat, I ask Brittany, who has dealt with them much more than I have. (I asked yesterday what we’re calling Helix and Spiral – Ragdolls? Snowshoes? (I suggested Ragshoes or Snowdolls, because I crack myself up), and she said they’re Ragdoll mixes.)
A close-up of Alley Oop’s ears.
More holiday cards arrived! See them over here at Flickr, or scroll through them below.
Paper Clip likes to hang out behind the couch for reasons known only to herself. She’s not hiding – just hanging out!
Spiral’s all “Turn this toy on, lady.”
Alley Oop likes the track toys.
Helix is such a distinguished gentleman.
Posty loves the ear scritches.
Have I mentioned that Andi likes to be up high? She sure does!
In lieu of a permanent resident picture, please admire this Woodpecker at the bird feeder. I’m used to seeing mostly smaller birds – Finches mostly, with the occasional Tufted Titmouse – but every now and then a Cardinal, Red-Winged Blackbird or Woodpecker will come by.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Stapler enjoys the cubby. I love how much these cats are using the shelves/beds on the wall!
Check out these cuties. Former fosters Periwinkle (formerly Bert Macklin, 2016) and Patches (Art Vandelay, 2016) are all grown up… but they still snuggle up for napping! (Thanks Kristin!)
YouTube link
Andi appears to have found her voice! (She has the sweetest little voice.)
Andi is just so darn cute I want to grab her up and squeeze her.
Look, it’s Tina! Jennifer says: “The birds aren’t so active in my backyard now, so I thought I’d see if I could interest Tina in “Bird TV” (Lol). Of course she went looking behind the TV for the birds 😁(such a cutie pie 🐾🤗).” That girl is TOO CUTE! (Thanks, Jennifer!!)
Paper Clip thinks this track toy is pretty darn cool. (And yes, she does resemble Uncle Charlie and no, she is not related to him.)
2024: Meanwhile, Uncle Newt found a comfy spot in the kitten room.
2023: Oh dear; it looks like (permanent resident) Uncle Archie has engineered a hostile takeover of the fish taco truck!
2022: So that’s who Ivy will be getting to know in the days and weeks to come!
2021: Banana for scale.
2020: Archie didn’t seem to mind.
2019: The Eyes of Lurve.
2018: “What? Newt’s butt is comfy!”
2017: Rickles.
2016: I guess he’s got me trained.
2015: No entry.
2014: “Hallo, shweetheart.”
2013: “I can’t believe I had to wear a stupid tie to work today. Stupid meetings. Stupid ties. Stupid bosses.”
2012: Someone asked in the comments yesterday if Lucy is still “cockeyed”, and the answer is that yes, she is still slightly cross-eyed.
2011: It was a slipper. No wonder it wouldn’t purr.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: The Annoying of the Poo.
2007: She follows him downstairs and hangs out, giving him the Eyes of Love and all the other cats the Eyes of You-Go-To-Hell.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
With Trixie on the couch I noticed how much she looks like Alice!
Thanks for posting those great pics of Alice so close to the other permies. I didn’t think it was possible, but so glad she’s not a total loaner.
I LOVE the former foster updates where they’re looking all smug and snug.
thank you Jennifer and Kristin!
Khal seems to get on with everyone; is there any cat he hasn’t got on with?
Loved the cat snot sticking a car to the ceiling part! Gross, but so funny from that perspective. Thanks as always for all you do, even cleaning cat snot…
Just a note of appreciation for 2013’s pictures of Tom Cullen in his dapper “WOOF” tie. (And that pesky intern.)
Sorry if I’ve missed your post about this already Robyn, but do you know why Alley Oop and Andi don’t have full tails? I hope it’s from birth rather than a nasty accident
They were born that way!
Thank you so much for answering my question about Alley Oops heritage! I especially appreciate the picture of her ear! My snowshoe mix doesn’t seem to have any torti patches on her, but I’m more willing to bet that the information that we had about our other cat being her mom is correct now (my kid wants me to fork out the money to have them DNA tested, but I’m less interested).