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I got a few more holiday cards recently! See them here at Flickr, or scroll through them below.
I loved revisiting the snow of 2011! Aww happy George and Gracie frolicking around Crooked Acres!
They were the BEST pups! (I always loved it when they hid their noses in the snow.)
Such a lovely picture of your snowy yard! Is is common to have so many cardinals in one spot at the same time down South? I normally only see one, or possibly a mated pair at my feeders. Signed, a jealous Northerner
Yes, we see a lot of Cardinals, especially in the winter. I love looking out and seeing that pop of color!
I’ve been wondering if you are hiding our next pregnant kitty in the bathroom or somewhere?
Nope, I have no pregnant kitties, no bottle baby kitties, no one stashed anywhere. The only foster in this house right now is Tina!
Funny thing is, I was offered a pregnant cat in December. I said “If someone can hold onto her until Tina goes home, I’ll take her!” Turns out? She wasn’t pregnant (in fact, she was already spayed.)
And then a couple of weeks ago, I was offered a pregnant ORANGE TABBY. I said “If someone can hold onto her until Tina goes home, I’ll take her!” Guess what? She wasn’t pregnant either!
In any case, I won’t be getting more fosters ’til Tina goes home, and it’s not looking like that’ll be a pregnant cat at this point.
Even Rocco gets a spotlight day this week?
Rocco made his way into regular rotation a few months ago. As long as I have a picture of him to share, he gets shared on Thursdays. (Alice gets Mondays, Charlie gets Tuesdays, Khal gets Wednesdays, and on Fridays I share a random picture, usually of a couple of permanent residents together.)
“Right here, lady. This is where the Churu goes.”
“The birds can’t see me from here.”
Tina’s life since the kittens went home, has gone like this: snooze happily on the heated bed, watch the birds (and occasionally jump up after them), and play with Da Bird, the dangly mouse, and whatever other toy takes her fancy at the moment. I hate to break it to y’all, but she’s not missing those kittens the tiniest bit. (Also, she very much doesn’t mind not having to share her Churu with anyone else.)
She now gets the run of the upstairs all the time, because I wasn’t about to lock her away in the foster room by herself at night. She checks in with me a few times, but most of the night she’s either curled up asleep in the cat tree or playing/eating/using the litter box in the foster room.
Right now Tina is scheduled to go home on Sunday, and hopefully that happens (TALKING TO YOU, MOTHER NATURE). We shall see!
Alice and Khal have a… well, not a CUDDLE, really, but a companionable hangout.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Throw Back Thursday: It’s been one year since I introduced the Ducklings! What a mess these guys were – I gave SO many baths in those first few days. They certainly did grow up to be gorgeous! (They were adopted together and are on Facebook at The Little Ducklings )
YouTube link
Carmy and Richie were adopted yesterday and went home to Lexington, Kentucky where they join former fosters Meander (from last year), Mollie (formerly Millinocket, 2018) and (not a foster) Angus. Those boys will be spoiled rotten every moment of their lives, and I am thrilled that they got to go home together. If you hadn’t noticed, they were a truly bonded pair.
Here are some of my favorite pictures of those sweet boys, from when we said “hello” until they were adopted.
Listen. Between the sleeping late, the keeping an eye on the printer, the bird hunting and the Churu, it’s been a pretty full day for Tina. I think it’s about time for a nap.
Throw Back Thursday AND former foster(s) update! Here we have a collage with former foster Hook (formerly Puff, 2013) in 2013, and now. Selena reports that he’s doing well – his fur is thinning, but he eats like it’s going out of style (you know we don’t grow ’em small here at Love & Hisses!), and he still adores his brother Flynn. And house panther Flynn (formerly Kohle, 2012) is keeping warm on his (human) brother Jordan’s pile of stuffies. Aren’t they the sweetest boys? (Yes they are!)
(Thanks, Selena!)
2024: Sometimes Uncle Charlie gets a little too aggressive with his sniffery.
2023: Oh, that Cinnaspin.
2022: He was very not thrilled about this turn of events, but still says he’d rather deal with a cat in heat than a cat in labor.
2021: Say hello to our new foster – this is Canasta (we are going with a card-game theme; the litter as a whole will be known as the Cardsharks.)
2020: “Trying to sleep here, lady.” Josephine’s not foolin’ around.
2019: How Well Have They Aged Thursday
2018: Out glaring in her field.
2017: Newt – who I suggested “might” become an inside cat 10 years ago – spends 99% of his time snoozing in one of the cat beds on my desk these days.
2016: No entry.
2015: It’s a smug smug smug smug smug smug life.
2014: By the time he gathered himself for a retaliation, Tricki was over it.
2013: Baleful (Baby) Beans, purring up a storm.
2012: The vacuum’s put away, so it’s safe.
2011: “There appears to be a Cindy FAR too close to me!”
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Even though I never did look ratty, and I hate her.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
So surprised to see Alice in close proximity to anyone…has that ever happened before, and do you have photographic proof?
Love Tina’s “good night innernets” pic. She looks like she’s getting her second wind. 🙂
Alice and Khal hang out together all the time. I’ll see if I can dig up some pictures, but I’m pretty sure there have been some other recent shots.
more fakers haha
awww – Gracie in the snow
I’ve been reading since the True Bloods (2008? 2009?) and I feel like back then you had a LOT more permanent residents. Is this the fewest you’ve had?
One day I want to do a chart of the number of permanent residents by year, but short answer: yes. This is the fewest we’ve had since 1998 or 1999. (The highest number we had was 14 at Crooked Acres in… 2011, 2012, I think?)
Oh my God, that was some family!
Happy 2025
Love from across the Atlantic xx
Missing Tina chats already, chatty girls are the best.