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I know you’re here for the kitten pictures, but I thought this Tufted Titmouse was so pretty.
And these House Finches are doing a Charlie’s Angel pose.
Doesn’t he have the prettiest eyes?
Keeping an eye on that Tufted Titmouse.
Those House Finches aren’t at ALL scared of the cats. They’re as entertained by the cats as the cats are by them.
The House Finches will land on the feeder and stay a while. The Tufted Titmouses (Titmice?) flit over, grab a bite, and fly away again.
That bird feeder is this one at Amazon, by the way. It’s hanging from this window bracket. As long as you check, wet, and re-stick the bracket every few weeks, it sticks just fine. If you get forgetful, the bracket will eventually let go, and everything will fall to the ground. Since this window is on the second floor, you’ll note that there’s a dent in the bird feeder from just such a time when I forgot to check and re-stick the bracket! The seed mix I have in the bird feeder is 1/3 black oil sunflower seeds, 1/3 shelled sunflower hearts, and 1/3 mealworms. The birds definitely like it!
There’s another bird feeder just like it hanging from the corner fence post about 15 feet away. That feeder (same feeder, filled with the same seed mix) gets a lot of Grackles and Red-Winged Blackbirds visiting it.
Tina’s loafing while the boys are occupied watching birds.
Charlie walked through the snow to the end of the deck. (You can see his footprints. He got about five feet into the walk and realized “Hey, this stuff is COLD.”)
Then he sat and considered the least cold way to get back to the screened porch.
Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/ Bluesky) yesterday.
Richie is a very LEAPY boy when the Da Bird teaser is out and flying through the air. He doesn’t pay ANY attention to anyone else around him, and this series cracks me UP because of Tina’s face in the last picture. Looks like she’s gonna hold a grudge.
YouTube link
A 3 minute video of Carmy and Richie watching the bird feeder right outside the window, with a few bonus moments of Tina at the end. I think my favorite part is that Richie is completely still except for his eyes. (I suspect that he would be the better hunter of the two!)
My laundry assistant (Tina) has folded the laundry and put it away, and as a special treat gets to hang out in the laundry basket.
YouTube link
Richie has a purrrrrr.
2024: No entry.
2023: No entry.
2022: No entry.
2021: Canasta’s belly seems to be listing to [quick Google search] starboard.
2020: Gabrielle was talking and talking to me, and then I switched from camera to video and she wouldn’t say a thing.
2019: Alice Mo the calico is – hold on to your hats, folks – going to be 9 years old in June!
2018: No entry.
2017: No entry.
2016: King Nubbs (aka Pharrell) from above.
2015: Lita and those teef.
2014: We’re takin’ over the world, one litter box at a time!
2013: Baby Beans has a ‘tude.
2012: No entry.
2011: Oh, she makes me want to squeeze the stuffing out of her.
2010: Sucker!
2009: Sun bath.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
I for one enjoy the bird pictures as much as the kitten pictures. And my sympathy to Charlie for his cold feet.
The least cold way to get back to the screened porch for Prince Charlie would have been for a human servant to transport his highness… 🙂
Oh no. Charlie does NOT care to be carried. He’d probably prefer having his toes fall right off rather than having someone pick him up and carry him!
Luv the pix of Charlie Prince of Wails!! LOL Don’t.like.this.cold.white.STUFF.
My sister had a kitty boy who luved the snow, he’d beg to go outside in it.